Warhammer 40.000 Legion of the Damned Sergeant Bolt Pistol & Power Weapon New in Blister.
Warhammer 40.000 Legion of the Damned Sergeant Bolt Pistol & Power Weapon
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SKU: aefgreh5y5
Categories: Latest Additions, Miniatures, Space Marines, Warhammer 40.000
Tags: Damned Sergeant, Damned Sergeant Bolt Pistol & Power Weapon, Legion of the Damned, Legion of the Damned Marines, Legion of the Damned Sergeant, Legion of the Damned Sergeant Bolt Pistol & Power Weapon, Space Marine, Space Marine Legion of the Damned, Space Marines, Space Marines Legion of the Damned, Warhammer 40.000, Warhammer 40K
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