Warhammer 40.000 Imperial Guard Leman Russ, Painted Plastic Miniature, Equipped with Lights through a Button and Changeable Battery.
Warhammer 40.000 Imperial Guard Leman Russ
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SKU: ue57oi867ld6u8t
Categories: Astra Militarum/Imperial Guard, Latest Additions, Miniatures, Warhammer 40.000
Tags: Astra Militarum, Astra Militarum Leman Russ, Imperial Guard, Imperial Guard Leman Russ, Imperial Guard Leman Russ Demolisher, Leman Russ, Leman Russ Battle Tank, Leman Russ Demolisher, Leman Russ Tank, Warhammer 40.000, Warhammer 40K
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