Warhammer Fantasy Classic High Elf Command Group, 3x Unpainted Metal Miniatures.
Warhammer Fantasy Classic High Elf Command Group
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SKU: 5h945h945y
Categories: High Elves, Latest Additions, Miniatures, Warhammer Fantasy / Age of Sigmar
Tags: Classic High Elf Command, High Elf Champion, High Elf Command, High Elf Command Group, High Elf Hero, High Elf Musician, High Elf Standard Bearer, High Elf Trumpeter, High Elves Champion, High Elves Command, High Elves Command Group, High Elves Hero, High Elves Musician, High Elves Standard Bearer, High Elves Trumpeter, Metal High Elf Command, Metal High Elves, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer Fantasy Classic High Elf Command Group
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